First of all, we need to dispel the myth that the process of establishing a company is difficult, laborious, and time consuming. In most cases, a company can be effectively set up in 1-2 days (which is true for sole proprietorship, civil partnership and a limited liability company)
You have just decided to set up a new company. You already know that the choice of the legal form is important, but do not know what to choose. To do this sensibly, you need to ask yourself a few questions:
- Should you act alone or do you need the cooperation of several people (and thus you need to set up a company)?
- Whether you accept being personally liable for all obligations arising from such activity with your entire property (on the other hand such forms are tax effective and cheapest to maintain)
- How important is the perception by the contractors (eg. joint stock companies is often perceived as a more serious partner than a partnership)?
- Are you going to sell the company or part of it in the future (for example through IPO)?
We provide the support for the company, subsidiary or branch foundation process, including:
- Recommendation of the effective legal and tax form corresponding to customer activity. A proper choice of legal form can determine future success and profitability of the company
- Recommendation of the location of the company. Choice of the location determines the tax office the company reports to
- Preparation and filing necessary forms and applications to the tax office and other state bodies
Call us or send us an e-mail – we will analyze all variants together to choose the optimum one
Here is our blog about company formation.